Do Blind Spots Frequently Cause Truck Accidents?
January 14, 2021
Professional truckers drive vehicles several times the size of standard cars. This does not make it easier for them to see the road or know when they are being approached by other vehicles. Large commercial trucks have bigger blind spots than smaller vehicles. Every vehicle has blind spots, which are zones where the driver cannot easily see vehicles or obstacles around the vehicle. When a smaller vehicle, like a car or motorcycle, gets in one of a truck’s blind spots, the trucker may end up hitting them.
Due to the disparity between the weight of trucks and cars, truck accidents cause more fatalities than other types of highway crashes. Blind spots also frequently lead to collisions as well. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), one-third of truck accidents happen in blind spots.
Blind Spot Locations on Large Trucks
The first two blind spots on a truck are directly in front and under the cab and directly behind the trailer. Truckers cannot see vehicles in these locations. Therefore, a car driver should be very careful to not allow a truck to get too close behind them. At the same time, a car driver should never tailgate a truck. Following too closely behind a truck’s trailer can lead to a catastrophic crash if the truck has to stop quickly.
The next two truck blind spots are along the driver’s side and passengers’ sides of the cab and trailer. These blind spots start at the cab and fan outward toward the end of the trailer. When a vehicle is in these blind spots, the trucker may not be able to see the car at all, even with the help of mirrors. Getting sideswiped by a large truck can lead to serious injuries. A sideswipe accident can cause a car to be pushed off the highway or into another lane.
Additionally, a blind spot occurs when a truck turns to its right. Trucks make wide right turns, often extending into multiple lanes. If a car gets trapped between the right side of the cab and trailer during a wide right turn, the car may be at risk of being crushed.
What are Common Truck Accident Injuries?
Despite the best attempts to stay safe, car and truck drivers can collide. When accidents between cars and trucks occur, several types of trauma may be reported. Broken bones and soft tissue injuries are common injuries. More severe injuries include spinal cord injuries and head and brain injuries, which are life-threatening and require extensive treatment. Some crash victims never completely recover.
How can I Prevent a Blind Spot Truck Accident?
Knowing where a truck’s blind spots are located is important. Drivers should be mindful about a trucker’s rear and side view. Motorists may also want to install or utilize special sensors that indicate when any vehicles, including trucks, are passing in their own blind spots.
When a driver is in a truck’s blind spot, they should stay calm and take immediate action. The driver should figure out how they can get out of the blind spot when it is safe to do so, which could mean safely passing the truck. If the car is traveling directly in front or behind the truck, the driver may want to safely switch lanes.
To lessen the likelihood of getting stuck in a truck’s blind spot, a driver should make sure that they do not cut off the trucker in traffic. For instance, a motorist should not weave in and out of traffic on the highway.
Additionally, car drivers sharing the roadways with truckers should watch for turn signals. Knowing when a trucker plans to make a wide right turn or move to another lane can help avoid a crash and injuries.
What Should I Do After a Truck Accident?
A car driver who gets into a blind spot accident with a large truck should do a few steps. They should move their vehicle to safety if it is possible and call 9-1-1. They should also be open to getting medical care onsite or soon after the crash. Being seen by a health care provider or emergency responder the same day as the crash helps prove that the injuries were caused by the collision.
Drivers will also want to exchange pertinent insurance and personal information, including information about the trucking company. If they can take photographs and videos at the scene, they should. A motorist should never admit their guilt after an accident. Admitting fault can make it difficult to negotiate a reasonable settlement with an insurance adjuster. Insurance adjusters will often try to blame victims and may attempt to distort statements.
An injured driver should contact a knowledgeable lawyer. A lawyer can help the victim collect fair damages far beyond what the victim might be able to negotiate alone. A lawyer can also file and handle a personal injury lawsuit, which may be necessary after a truck accident.
Cherry Hill Truck Accident Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Help Victims Recover Damages After Blind Spot Truck Collisions
If you were involved in a blind spot truck accident, contact a Cherry Hill truck accident lawyer at DiTomaso Law. Our dedicated legal team can help you with your case. Call us at 856-414-0010 or complete our online form for a free consultation today. Located in Philadelphia and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey, including Mt. Holly, Camden County, and Vineland.

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