Camden County Personal Injury Lawyers Report on Laundry Pods as a Potential Hazard for Young Children
November 19, 2014
It is never a pleasant thing when young children inadvertently tamper with household products. Usually when a little guy or gal accidentally ingests some laundry detergent, he or she can expect an unpleasant taste and sometimes a queasy stomach, but the newly manufactured laundry pods are posing much more of a danger for children when accidentally eaten or swallowed.
Laundry pods are becoming increasingly popular within households throughout the country. They are conveniently and attractively packaged, take up less space, are very easy to use, prevent sticky soap from building up or spilling, and weigh a lot less than a typical bottle of laundry soap. The small size along with the colorful and candy-like appearance of the pods makes them tempting to eat. The fact that some pods are often cased in transparent containers that look like cookie jars make it all the more appealing for little hands to get them into their grasp.
The laundry pods contain highly concentrated amounts of soap and have some chemicals in them that are not in traditional liquid products. This intense concentration along with the chemicals in them cause children to become very ill if the product is ingested. Poison control centers have had to deal with over 17,000 cases during 2012 and 2013. Often times the children had to be hospitalized.
The representatives at TIDE are claiming that all guidelines have been followed when manufacturing the product and that the laundry products are enzyme –free. The same representatives emphasize that every household product should be left out of reach of young children at all times in order to avoid a disaster in the home. It does not take children long to seek out places where they do not belong.
There is no limit to what toddlers can do even if caretakers only take their eyes off of them for a second. Vomiting, intense diarrhea, and in some cases seizures, seem to be the most common side effects children are incurring from ingesting a laundry pod. Unfortunately, there have been a few cases where children have died as a result of the poisoning.
When a child is involved in an accident, it can be a very painful and scary thing for a parent or caretaker. It is easy to become overwhelmed and not know where to turn. Let the Cherry Hill personal injury lawyers at YL4L help you. Our experienced litigators will assess your case, and work with insurance companies to ensure that your child gets the medical treatment that is needed. Our personal injury lawyers will work aggressively and tirelessly to see that you get the compensation and retribution to which you are entitled.
DiTomaso Law has offices conveniently located in Center City, Philadelphia and Cherry Hill, NJ to accommodate residents in the South Jersey and Southeastern Pennsylvania areas including Mt. Holly, Cherry Hill and all areas in Camden County Call our accident lawyers in Cherry Hill today at 856-414-0010 or contact us online to speak with someone who can help you. We offer our clients a lower contingency fee rate than many other personal injury lawyers.

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