Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers: Does Changing Lanes on a Highway Increase the Chances of an Accident?
January 11, 2016
Statistically speaking, going straight on a highway is a person’s safest bet. However, if you change lanes only when necessary the risk of a car accident occurring is likely very low. “When necessary” means that you are not changing lanes too often, which is deemed to be three times or more per mile. It also means that you are driving with the flow of traffic in your lane and that you are in the lane you are most comfortable with in terms of traffic flow. For example, generally people who prefer to drive at a lower rate of speed stay in the right most lane and people who prefer to drive faster stay in the left most lane.
Most of the research in this area is done by car manufacturers in their attempts to make the newest technology to prevent accidents from occurring. One out of every ten freeway traffic accidents are due to a vehicle changing lanes. When changing lanes in heavy traffic, car accidents are even more likely to occur because the driver has to spend a lot of their time maneuvering their vehicle. Accidents are also more likely when there is heavy traffic and a person is changing lanes. Because the change occurs within a smaller margin of time, it can lead a driver to cut off other vehicles on the road.
Changing lanes can also lead to dangers that are not as obvious as some of the hazards listed above. You may change lanes thinking no one is there if you only check your mirror and forget to also check your blind spot – the area of the lane to the left or right of your vehicle that your side mirrors cannot capture. People who are in a hurry or who are not fully focused on driving may forget to check both their blind spot, which increases the likelihood of a collision occurring. Convesely, if you check your blind spot and your mirror too often or when it is not necessary, it becomes a distraction from looking forward and seeing what is going on in front of you. For example, in the one second it takes you to check your mirror and your blind spot you may not see the traffic light in front of you turn yellow, increasing the chances of running a red light.
Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Assist Clients Injured in Car Accidents and Highway Collisions
If you, a loved one or someone you know has been involved in a car accident and was hurt or injured, the injured person may be able to receive financial compensation for their medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Contact DiTomaso Law today to speak to one of our Cherry Hill car accident lawyers to go over the details of your case and help you and your family get the highest possible compensation for their injuries. Our offices are conveniently located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and Philadelphia where we serve clients located in Cherry Hill, Mount Holly, Camden County, Burlington County and throughout South Jersey and Southeastern Pennsylvania. To set up a free consultation, call 856-414-0010 or contact us online.

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