How can I Drive Safely on Memorial Day Weekend?
May 03, 2021
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of the summer travel season. Much of this travel will take place on highways as couples and families hit the road for a destination vacation. With Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions slowly loosening up and vaccinations increasing, more people may be on the roads this summer than last year. However, more people means the potential for more car accidents.
Statistics from the National Safety Council (NSC) show that, on average, there are more about 358 fatal accidents each year on Memorial Day weekend alone. Many of these accidents could have been prevented had the at-fault driver been more careful. It is important that all drivers be careful as summer driving season begins. Here are some tips to make Memorial Day weekend safer.
Be Extra Vigilant
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, many people have not taken to the road for a long trip. They may need extra driving time to remember the rules, including safe and courteous driving.
In addition, some states may still have entry or departure restrictions in place, and certain attractions, hotels, and restaurants may be closed or limit entry. Know the restrictions before traveling. This year, many people may hit the roads. More drivers can equal more congestion, accidents, and sitting in traffic. Always be extra cautious while driving.
Plan Ahead of Time
Ensure that the vehicle is in top condition for driving: top off all the fluids, ensure wipers, lights, and temperature controls work correctly, check the brakes and steering, inflate the tires, and gas up. Keep an emergency road kit in the car as well as a first-aid kit and extra food and water. Ensure that there is a cellphone and charger ready if there is a need to call for help.
Program the navigation system before leaving. Know when and where one will stop for rest breaks, meals, and to spend the night. Be sure to have masks, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and other protective items readily at hand. Do not plan the trip down to the very last minute. Tie-ups, congestion, construction, detours, and other issues can add hours to the trip. Be flexible and do not drive unsafely to make up for lost time. Pull off the road to contact people or destinations to let them know when one may arrive late.
If possible, limit driving during the times of highest accident risk, such as Friday afternoons, morning and evening rush hours, and the day before or just after a major holiday. With preparation and planning, the trip can be full of enjoyment and fun. Despite following safety tips, accidents can happen. Other motorists may not always drive safely. When another driver causes an accident, a lawyer can help.
Stay Focused
One of the leading causes of accidents is distracted driving. Cellphones, electronic devices, the radio, loud or rowdy children, pets, conversation, and even roadside attractions can cause distracted driving that leads to accidents.
Sometimes, drivers will also push themselves to make a deadline or recoup lost time due to traffic tie-ups. It is never a good idea to drive while fatigued or late into the night. Stopping for a rest, nap, or even a full night’s sleep is always better than risking harm.
Follow Traffic Rules
During a road trip, drivers can get careless or overconfident and do not follow the laws of the road. It is important that motorists obey speed limits, do not tailgate, use signals, be extra cautious when changing lanes, stay focused on the road, be careful around trucks, and respect other drivers.
Holiday weekends during the summer are great reasons to celebrate, but not while driving. Impaired drivers, whether from alcohol, drugs, or prescription drugs, cause accidents, injuries, and deaths. Always avoid drunk driving.
All car occupants should fasten their seat belts. Require all passengers to wear them at all times, and secure children in the types of restraints appropriate for their age and weight.
Motorists should drive defensively. This is a good idea for any time of year, but especially for holiday and summer driving. Other drivers might be distracted, impaired, or in a hurry to get to their destination. They may not always drive safely or respectfully. Make up for their potential errors with extra-cautious driving.
Be in Good Physical Shape
Driving takes its toll, sun glare, sunburn, restricted movement, and stationary positions can adversely affect anyone. Wear sunglasses and sunscreen, and be sure to take frequent breaks that include stretching, walking, food for energy, and water for hydration.
Be Careful of the Weather
Spring and summer can bring dangerous thunderstorms, blinding rain and hail, tornadoes, and even hurricanes in certain parts of the country. When adverse weather hits, slow down, pull over to a safe place, or seek indoor shelter as needed.
Memorial Day weekend is the start of summer driving season. However, not all motorists will drive with the utmost safety and respect for driving laws. Their disregard could end up causing an accident.
Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Advocate for Safe Driving During Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day weekend is an enjoyable time, but it is important to always drive safely. If another driver caused your injuries, a Cherry Hill car accident lawyer at DiTomaso Law can fight on your behalf. Contact us online or call us at 856-414-0010 for a free consultation about your case. Located in Philadelphia and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, we proudly serve clients throughout southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey, including Mt. Holly, Camden County, and Vineland.

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