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  • Cherry Hill Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Discuss the Link Between Sanitizers and Thyroid Cancer

    April 27, 2017

    A recent study from Yale University shed light on the correlation between occupational exposure to chemical disinfectants and thyroid cancer. Sanitizers, disinfectants, deodorizers, and sterilizers used in commercial settings across the nation are known as biocides because they kill bacteria present in these workplaces. Although biocides are useful and often necessary to rid these environments […]

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  • Camden Slip and Fall Lawyers: When a Fall Results in a Hip Injury

    April 21, 2017

    About a third of seniors over the age of 65 will suffer a hip injury each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While most hip injuries are mild, causing some discomfort over the course of several days, some are severe enough to require surgery. Slip and fall accidents are the […]

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  • Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers: Study Shows Millennials are Riskier Drivers

    April 20, 2017

    The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently conducted a study that found, while driving in general is becoming more dangerous, millennials are the most dangerous driving demographic of all. A survey of 2,511 drivers was taken from August 25 to September 6 and found that 88 percent of drivers between the ages of 19 and […]

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  • Philadelphia Construction Accident Lawyers: Construction Injuries and Virtual Reality Training

    April 15, 2017

    Over four million employees, many in construction, are injured in work accidents each year in the United States. Construction workers may soon face a dynamic training program, designed just for them. The University of Exeter is working on virtual reality training technology to reduce construction accidents. Safety training plays a key role in reducing workplace […]

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  • Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers: Accidents Involving Pedestrians

    April 14, 2017

    Sadly, the instance of car accidents involving pedestrians continue to be reported daily. Nearly all fatal pedestrian crashes are unintentional, and most are caused by distracted driving. Even a driver traveling as slowly as ten miles per hour can severely injure a pedestrian. The trend of increasing fatal pedestrian crashes continues throughout the country. According […]

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  • Camden Car Accident Lawyers: Car Accidents and Senior Drivers

    April 13, 2017

    Advanced age brings many changes. Among these are greater life-experience, wisdom, and understanding. Advanced age also brings a more fragile state of body. This is never seen more clearly than when a senior citizen experiences a car accident. When seniors are involved in car accidents, the injuries tend to be more severe and take longer […]

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  • Cherry Hill Workers’ Compensation Lawyers: New Rule on Beryllium Exposure

    April 12, 2017

    Many Americans live and work in toxic environments. These environments often do not appear dangerous on the outside, though they may harbor potentially deadly toxins like asbestos, lead, silica, and beryllium. Beryllium is a chemical element used to create metals that are stronger than steel. Beryllium can be extremely useful because of its strength and […]

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  • Cherry Hill Slip and Fall Lawyers: Landlord Liability for Slip and Fall Accidents

    April 08, 2017

    Slip and fall accidents are one of the more common causes for emergency room visits in the United States and can lead to a variety of long-term injuries. It is important to be aware of your rights in the event of a slip and fall accident, especially when the accident occurs on a property you […]

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  • Cherry Hill Car Accident Lawyers: New Technology Making Cars Safer

    April 06, 2017

    Cars are becoming more technologically advanced every year, and so are their safety features. Auto manufacturers are installing new safety technology intended to prevent car accidents and save lives. Some of these safety features, called Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), are designed to remind, alert, or warn drivers of potential danger. ADAS come standard in […]

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  • Philadelphia Construction Accident Lawyers: Tips for Trenching and Excavation Safety

    April 01, 2017

    Nearly everyone has seen the signs to call a phone number before digging. This is because one of the biggest dangers when trenching or excavating an area is hitting underground gas, electric, or water lines. The potential for electrocution when digging in a construction site is serious. Yet, there are many other dangers associated with […]

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