Philadelphia Construction Accident Lawyers: Creating a Culture of Workplace Safety
June 14, 2017
Employees in certain industries are more susceptible to injury due to work conditions. For this reason, certain safety precautions must be put in place to protect workers. Construction workers handle heavy machinery and tools that may impact their overall safety. By law, employers must follow safety regulations enacted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). If not, serious injuries can occur.
Ensuring Workplace Safety
It is up to the employer to build a workplace culture that promotes safety. Open communication between workers and upper management is key to building a safer environment. Good communication involves creating protocol to deal with hazardous conditions. Managers should brief workers each morning about the dangers on site and how to follow protocol. It is also a good idea to create posters and other signage to alert workers to potential dangers.
Creating A Chain of Command
Another way to increase workplace safety is by establishing a set chain of command. Employees should be able to talk to specific managers whenever problems or hazardous conditions arise. A manager should be designated to perform a walkthrough with workers to identify changing conditions. There should also be a point of contact for newcomers to the construction site.
Proper Training
The best way to avoid workplace injury is to properly train workers. Training benefits new and seasoned workers alike. Make sure that employees are taught the proper way to handle tools and other machinery. Many equipment vendors offer training courses and will send a representative out to train workers. If an employee is not comfortable using a tool or being in a certain area, then it is best to find another employee to work in that area.
Wear the Right Equipment
Safety equipment should never be optional within a work area but rather mandatory. Workers should not be allowed to enter an area until they are donning the right equipment. Employers should always have the appropriate equipment on hand as well as extra safety gear. Hard hats should always be worn. Other items such as gloves, masks and suits should be placed in an accessible area. Equipment should also be clean and free of holes, tears, rips, or other damage.
One of the most important aspects of a project is the planning and organization of the assignment. Usually a project manager is hired to help with work flow and this person must prioritize employee safety. Materials and equipment should be stored in a safe place. Someone can be appointed to help manage the equipment. A plan should also be developed to handle emergency situations and contacts.
Philadelphia Construction Accident Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Seek Justice for Injured Construction Workers
At DiTomaso Law, we understand the problems that lead to accidents on construction sites. Our Philadelphia construction accident lawyers will help you seek full and fair compensation for injuries sustained in or around a construction area. Contact us online or call us at 215-426-4493 to schedule a free case evaluation at our Philadelphia offices, or call 856-414-0010 to reach our Cherry Hill, New Jersey office.

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