Retail Industry Injury Report
January 03, 2020
A recent report by AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. outlined trends in retail-industry Workers’ Compensation claims over a three-year period. The report provided data regarding the types of injuries common in the retail sector, the jobs that pose the most risk for injury, as well as insight into the demographics of the workers who reported claims. The data also outlined the number of injuries reported, the number of missed workdays resulting from those injuries, and other statistics useful for retail business owners.
Injury Types
Strains and falls were the most common retail injuries workers suffered. Many strain injuries are caused by overexertion or repetitive motion. Falls were most often the result of wet or uneven surfaces, weather conditions, or using stairs. While there were fewer reports of slip and falls than strains, strain injuries involved a larger average payout per claim. Strain injuries from lifting resulted in the most common and costly injury, making up 22 percent of all claims. Another type of injury accounting for a high-payout claim is for accidents involving motor vehicles.
Lost Time
Missed work time averaged 24 days among all retail injuries. The most time lost was due to strains with 33 days on average, falls at 30 days, and other miscellaneous causes at 25 days. The most common causes of lost time for retail stores is for collapsing materials. The 129-day average was skewed, as a few injuries resulted in unusually lengthy recovery periods. Other miscellaneous causes accounted for an average of 115 days of lost time, repetitive motion injuries caused 75 lost days, motor vehicle injuries caused 71 lost days, and strain from use of tools or machinery accounted for 48 lost days.
Dangerous Jobs
The jobs that caused the most injuries are in the meat, fish, and poultry industries, such as butchers and others that work with dangerous knives and saws; hardware store employees, who were injured climbing ladders, cutting lumber, or handling heavy loads; employees who drive or work with automobile parts and accessories not otherwise classified; and hair stylists like barbers and beauticians who use repetitive motions with scissors and other tools. Falls from tripping hazards are also listed.
Worker Demographics
Age-related statistics show that older workers, who presumably have more experience, reported fewer injuries than younger workers, but older workers who were hurt suffered more severe injuries with higher payouts. Payouts increased with the age of the injured employee. Those aged 41 to 60 collected the highest payout average and lost the most time. Men reported more injury claims than women and also accounted for higher average payouts.
Vineland Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at DiTomaso Law Help Injured Workers with Workers’ Compensation Claims
If you were injured at work, contact the Vineland Workers’ Compensation lawyers at DiTomaso Law. We can help you collect the benefits you deserve. Call us at 856-414-0010 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout South Jersey, including Mt. Holly, Camden County, and Vineland.

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