Certified Civil Trial Attorney
New Jersey and Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer Richard D. Tomaso is a Certified Civil Trial Attorney

There are a lot of personal injury lawyers out there who say they are the best and brightest. How do you choose the best one to represent you?
The New Jersey Supreme Court has taken some of the guesswork out of choosing the right attorney by vetting lawyers for you through the attorney certification program. The Supreme Court created the attorney certification program to protect those seeking legal representation from false advertisements and to promote a high level of competency in New Jersey’s trial lawyers. Requirements for becoming a Certified Civil Trial Attorney are extensive, and the process is highly selective. Criteria include:
- A minimum of 5 years as a member in good standing of the New Jersey Bar;
- Meeting or exceeding a required number of continuing education courses during the 3 years prior to application;
- Demonstrating a high level of commitment to thorough preparation for litigation;
- An impeccable reputation, evidenced by references from judges and other attorneys attesting to an applicant’s exemplary character and skill;
- Successful completion of a written exam evaluating an applicant’s knowledge pertaining to his or her specific area of practice.
Certified Civil Trial Attorney status is an achievement realized by less than 2% of New Jersey lawyers. This elite recognition, granted by the Supreme Court, is a testament to Richard DiTomaso’s exceptional skill, ability, experience, and knowledge in the practice of civil law. When you choose to hire Richard DiTomaso to represent you, be assured that you are retaining a highly competent, well-respected personal injury lawyer in Cherry Hill endorsed by the New Jersey Supreme Court.
For more information or to schedule a consultation with Mr. DiTomaso, contact us online or call 856-414-0010.

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